Friday, August 3, 2012

One Week Down, (at least) Three More to Go!

Well, we've lasted a week without eating any wheat, grains, refined flours or sugar/glucose/fructose.  After my inital three days of withdrawal (not sure if it was a combination of wheat and sugar withdrawal or one of those), I still feel about the same health-wise, and I still feel hungry between meals.  I still have cravings, but apparently the cravings are supposed to go away after about a week, so hopefully this week will be better.  I've lost a pound, though I was hoping to lose more than that.

My husband, on the other hand, feels fantastic!  He's lost five pounds this week, he no longer has the urge to snack between meals, and he hasn't had any headaches since the first day we went off of wheat.  (I am trying not to be jealous!)

So obviously this is working great for him, but for me, I'm not so sure!  One of my biggest motivations to go off of wheat was to lose weight.  According to Dr. Davis' book Wheat Belly, people who switch to a wheat-free diet generally eat about 400 calories less per day than they did before.  I decided to plug in what I'm eating to Weight Watchers to find out how many "points" I've been eating, and it turns out that I'm actually eating more being on this wheat-free diet, so it's kind of working against what I'm trying to do!  In analyzing my diet before starting this, I actually didn't eat a lot of wheat before-hand except for snacks and lunch.  So my plan now is to continue eating wheat-free for this month at least, but I'm going to follow Weight Watchers points to make sure I'm not eating too much to lose any weight. 

So far, I'm not too convinced that this is going to make a big difference for me, but my husband is sure happy!

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