Saturday, July 28, 2012

Day 2 - Full-on Withdrawal

I'm feeling very foggy today, and it's actually taking some effort to write here.  I'm completely unmotivated to do anything.  I slept in until almost 11:30, and I've accomplished nothing today.  I have a to-do list, but I really don't feel like doing anything on it.  I hope these withdrawal symptoms go away soon!  When I read the following in Dr. Davis' book, I didn't believe it could possibly be that bad, but I'm amazed (and a little frightened) by how going off of wheat is affecting my moods and my ability to think clearly:

"The closest parallel to wheat withdrawal is the nicotine withdrawal that results from quitting cigarettes; for some people, the experience is nearly as intense.  Like nicotine withdrawal, wheat withdrawal can cause fatigue, mentail fogginess and irritability.  It can also be accompanied by a vague dysphoria, a feeling of low mood and sadness.  Wheat withdrawal often has the unique effect of diminished capacity to exercise that usually lasts from two to five days... What causes wheat withdrawal?  It is likely that years of high-carbohydrate eating makes the metabolism reliant on a constant supply of readily absorbed sugars such as those in wheat.  Removing sugar sources forces the body to adapt to mobilizing and burning fatty acids instead of more readily accessed sugars, a process that requires several days to kick in... Depriving the brain of wheat gluten-derived exorphins also adds to the withdrawal effect, the phenomenon that is likely responsible for the wheat cravings and dysphoria." (Wheat Belly, pp. 200 - 201)

This describes me exactly!  I'm having a lot of trouble even typing this - I've made several spelling mistakes that I've had to go back and correct, and I'm finding it hard to make my fingers move where I want them.  Scary.

My husband, on the other hand, feels great today!  He had a mild headache yesterday, but today he feels fine.  It's good that one of us feels good because I'm pretty useless today.

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