Sunday, July 29, 2012

Day 3 - Still Not Great

Today wasn't much better than yesterday.  I actually ended up having to stay home from church because I had flu-like symptoms.  I'm not sure if it's from the wheat withdrawal or if I actually have the flu, but I slept most of the morning and part of the afternoon, and I feel a bit better now.

Since I wasn't feeling well, I just nibbled all day (no wheat, though!).  It was tough because I always like to have graham crackers or toast with cinnamon and brown sugar when I'm feeling sick, so I wasn't able to have any of my "comfort foods".  I ate some fruit, veggies, cheese and nuts, though.

My husband made a really yummy pork chop dish for supper that was encrusted in parmesan cheese and almond flour with some garlic and onion salt, along with rice and balsamic roasted veggies.  I picked at those a bit as my stomach is still not doing great, but it tasted pretty good.  I'll post the recipe when I'm feeling better.

I guess I'll find out soon if this is withdrawal or sickness.  My husband feels great, though!  He is very excited about our new way of eating, and his only withdrawal symptom was a mild headache on the first day.  I'm glad one of us feels well.  I just need to push through and hopefully I'll start feeling better this week.

1 comment:

  1. Shannon I happened to stumble across your blog and I'm very interested to see how it works for you. Thanks for sharing.
