Monday, July 23, 2012

What's Wrong With Wheat?

I'm fascinated by what I've read in Dr. Davis' book, and as I said previously, I'm very interested to see whether or not his claims are true.  Here is a quote from his book, Wheat Belly:

"Whole wheat bread (glycemic index 72) increases blood sugar as much as or more than table sugar (glycemic index 59)... So when I was devising a strategy to help my overweight, diabetes-prone patients reduce blood sugar most efficiently, it made sense to me that the quickest and simplest way to get results would be to eliminate the foods that caused their blood sugar to rise most profoundly: in other words, not sugar, but wheat...  After three months, my patients returned to have more blood work done.  As I had anticipated, with only rare exceptions, blood sugar had indeed often dropped from diabetic range to normal... Many patients had also lost twenty, thirty, even forty pounds... They reported that symptoms of acid reflux disappeared and the cyclic cramping and diarrhea of irritable bowel syndrome were gone.  Their energy improved, they had greateer focus, sleep was deeper."  (pp. 8 - 9)

I am fascinated by this.  Dr. Davis goes on to explain the relationship between blood sugar levels and insulin production in the body and the cycle of visceral fat that is created by this (I'll go into more detail on this in a later post).  It goes against the conventional thinking of "healthy whole grains" to say that wheat increases blood sugar levels more than sugar!  (And yes, he's talking about whole wheat and grains, not just refined white flour.)

As I mentioned before, I'm skeptical, but curious to see if there will be any change to my overall health (not to mention weight loss!) if I eliminate wheat from my diet.

Four more days until our journey begins!   I hope you'll stay tuned!

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