Thursday, July 26, 2012

Grocery Shopping, Last Meal and Withdrawal Fears...

Since we're going wheat-free tomorrow (yikes!), we went grocery shopping today to stock up on our wheat-free products.  I don't think I've ever bought this many vegetables at once!  My husband commented that it actuallly looks like this will be do-able with the variety of foods we bought today.  There are tons of veggies, nuts, cheese and meat here, so I'm excited to get started!

We carbo-loaded today, visiting the "Taste of Edmonton" summer fair and eating tons of stuff that was not only full of wheat, but also full of fat.  We had pizza for dinner and cupcakes for dessert as well!  Kind of like a last meal for prisoners!

I'm a little nervous about going into wheat withdrawal.  I understand that the symptoms can last for up to two weeks and include headaches, irritability, cravings for wheat and fatigue.  It's kind of scary when you think about it.  What other food can you stop eating and go into withdrawal from (besides caffeine, which is a chemical)?   I don't get headaches from not eating spinach or meat...  Makes you think.

I'll let you know tomorrow how the first day goes!  I'm baking Apple Walnut "bread" tonight to have for breakfast tomorrow (more details to come on that), so we're all set!  Here we go!

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